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Yaqui Cosmology and religion

The Yaqui religion (which is a syncretic religion of old Yaqui beliefs and practices and the teachings of Jesuit and later Franciscan missionaries) relies upon song, music, and dancing, all performed by designated members of the community. There are also other, Roman Catholic, practices that are woven into the old ways.

The Yaqui conception of the world is considerably different from that of their Mexican and United States neighbors. For example, the world (in Yaqui, anía) is composed of four separate worlds: the animal world, the world of people, the world of flowers, and the world of death. Much Yaqui ritual is centered upon perfecting these worlds and eliminating the harm that has been done to them, especially by people. There is a belief current among many Yaquis that the existence of the world depends on the yearly performance of the Lenten and Easter rituals.

Flowers are very important in the Yaqui culture. According to Yaqui teachings, flowers sprang up from the drops of blood that were shed at the Crucifixion. Flowers are viewed as the manifestation of souls, to the point that occasionally Yaqui males may greet a close male friend with the phrase "Haisa sewa?" ("How is the flower?"). How is your soul:

1. The earth is our Mother, Care for her

2. Honor you your relations

3. Open your heart and soul to the great spirit (God)

4. All life is sacred, treat all beings with respect 5 Take from the earth what is needed and nothing more

6. Do what needs to be done for the good of all

7. Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit (God) for every new day

8. Speak the truth but only for the good of other.

9. Follow the rhythms of nature: Rise and retire with the sun

10. Enjoy life’s journey but leave not tracks

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In memory of a childhood friend,  Bonnie L Garduno-cuellar  my greatest childhood friends died

There are some friendships that we remember forever. These are the friendships that were formed when we were children. The quality of sharing is not the same as in adult friendships. However, in a certain way the friendship has a deeper quality. It probably lacked that drama and intensity that is shared in adult friendships. At the same time there is a certain carefree quality that exists between two young children at play. They don't ask themselves complicated questions like whether they have enough in common. It is enough that they are two kids and that there is playing to be done.


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