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 The name "Keres" refers to seven present-day Keresan-speaking Pueblo Indian tribes of New Mexico. Acoma and Laguna are commonly designated as Western Keresans as contrasted with the Eastern Keresan villages, or pueblos, of Santa Ana, Zia (Sia), San Felipe, Santo Domingo, and Cochiti. Each pueblo, together with its satellites, constitutes an independent tribe with its own political, Ceremonial, and social structures.

Location. The Western Keresan villages, Acoma and Laguna, lie, respectively, some sixty and forty miles west of Albuquerque, in west-central New Mexico. Santa Ana and Zia are located on the Jemez River some miles above its confluence with the Rio Grande and twenty-seven and thirty miles north of Albuquerque. Cochiti, Santo Domingo, and San Felipe are on the Rio Grande and lie, Respectively, twenty-five, thirty, and thirty-five miles southwest of Santa Fe.

Keresan Family, Keresan People, Keresan Pueblos (adapted from K’eres, the aboriginal name). A linguistic family of Pueblo Indians including the inhabitants of several villages on the Rio Grande, in north central New Mexico, between the Rito de los Frijoles (where, before being confined to reservations, they joined the Tewaon the north) and the Rio Jemez, as well as on the latter stream from the pueblo of Sia to its month. The west division, comprising Acoma and Laguna pueblos, are situated westward from the Rio Grande, the latter on the Rio San Jose. Like the other Pueblo tribes of New Mexico, the Keresan Indians maintain that they had their origin at the mythical Shipapu and that they slowly drifted southward to the Rio Grande, taking up their abode in the Rito de los Frijoles, or Tyuonyi, and constructing there the cliff-dwellings found to-day excavated in the friable volcanic tufa. Long before the coming of the Spaniards they had abandoned the Rito, and, moving farther southward, separated into a number of autonomous village communities. According to Coronado, who visited the “Quirix” province in 1540, these Indians occupied 7 pueblos; 40 years later Espejo found 5; while in 1630 Benavides described the stock as numbering 4,000 people, in 7 towns extending 10 leagues along the Rio Grande.

      1          Valentin Santa Ana    

...      +María Anita     

........ 2       María Santa Ana         1815 - 1900

..............             +Martin Mondragon  

...................        3       >Luz Santa Ana Mondrangon      1836 - 1888

.........................           +>Jose Anastasio Herrera    1838 -

..............................      4       Jose Antonio Herrera  1861 - 1941

....................................                  +Anastacia Pacheco    1871 - 1952

.........................................    5       Jacobo Herrera   1891 - 1951

...............................................                +Guadalupe      

....................................................  6       Corp Crecencio J. Herrera    1924 - 1999

....................................................  6       Antonia Herrera

..........................................................              +Flores      1922 -

..............................      4       Maria Herrera     1865 -

....................................                  +Miguel Baca    

..............................      4       >Anastasia Herrera     1869 -

....................................                  +>Lucio Hernandez   

.........................................    5       >Maria Hernandez      1894 -

...............................................                +>Baltizar Verdugo    1900 - 1945

....................................................  6       Candelaria Verdugo    1918 - 1952

..........................................................              +Manuel Cabrera Hernandez        1924 - 1972

.........................................    5       twin Hernandez 1894 -

.........................................    5       Anastacio Herrera       1888 -

..............................      4       Remedios Herrera       1865 - 1890

....................................                  +Martiniano Camacho        

...................        3       José Jesus Mondragon         1847 - 1924

...................        3       Savino Mondragon     1838 -

..............................      4       Martin Mondragon      1869 -

U.S., Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 for Maria Santa Ana

Pueblo Indians 


Santa Ana


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In memory of a childhood friend,  Bonnie L Garduno-cuellar  my greatest childhood friends died

There are some friendships that we remember forever. These are the friendships that were formed when we were children. The quality of sharing is not the same as in adult friendships. However, in a certain way the friendship has a deeper quality. It probably lacked that drama and intensity that is shared in adult friendships. At the same time there is a certain carefree quality that exists between two young children at play. They don't ask themselves complicated questions like whether they have enough in common. It is enough that they are two kids and that there is playing to be done.


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